Monday, February 8, 2010

Sun Dogs

I was at La Estancia de Cafayate at the Heath Club House and looked up and saw this amazing phenomenon, a sun dog. Luckily, my friend Cecilia had her camera with her. Now I had no idea what this was and why this would happen until Charlie told me, oh yeah -it's a sun dog. Now... sounds like a made up name to me but according to wikipedia, sun dog or parhelion which means "beside the sun"; also called a mock sun) is an atmospheric phenomenon that creates bright spots of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo on either side of the sun.[1] (formed by ice crystals). What is not in the picture is the second ring nearest the sun that completely circled the sun. As I called everyone I knew to look up at the sun, many, including our employees, thought this might be a sign for the end of the world. I just thought it was one of those rare moments we at times get to experience in Cafayate. Hope you enjoy as much as we did - amazing!


  1. Great photo and beautiful place!!

  2. Thanks for sharing. Love this blog and look forward to visiting this magical place.
