Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Serenata 2010

The Serenata is a folk festival started in 1974 by a Arnoldo Etchart in honor of the Cafayate people and the most talented of artists that this area is famous for. Each year thousands of people culminate for this festival full of folk music and dancing, tradition, and harmony. My favorite part is when painters from Cafayate and the surrounding area paint the walls of the Serenata with different murals and sayings. This of course is just a small part of the Serenata, so if you are ever in the mood to exprience a spring break atmosphere with folk music and tradition, the Cafayate Serenata is a great combination!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sun Dogs

I was at La Estancia de Cafayate at the Heath Club House and looked up and saw this amazing phenomenon, a sun dog. Luckily, my friend Cecilia had her camera with her. Now I had no idea what this was and why this would happen until Charlie told me, oh yeah -it's a sun dog. Now... sounds like a made up name to me but according to wikipedia, sun dog or parhelion which means "beside the sun"; also called a mock sun) is an atmospheric phenomenon that creates bright spots of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo on either side of the sun.[1] (formed by ice crystals). What is not in the picture is the second ring nearest the sun that completely circled the sun. As I called everyone I knew to look up at the sun, many, including our employees, thought this might be a sign for the end of the world. I just thought it was one of those rare moments we at times get to experience in Cafayate. Hope you enjoy as much as we did - amazing!